Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Stillness is the tranquility of the inner life; the quiet at the depths of its hidden stream. It is a collected, total presence, a “being all there,” receptive, alert, ready. There is nothing inert or oppressive about it.  
Attentiveness that is the clue to the stillness in question, the stillness before God. (Romano Guardini)

What a foreign idea—stillness, tranquility, complete openness to “the inner life,” to God!

Our culture thrives on motion, restlessness and noise 24/7. Nonstop activity and anxiety. No standing still. No keeping quiet. No reflective pausing. No inner peace. 

Where can we go to find stillness? Nature offers possibilities—breathtaking vistas, quiet streams, starlit nights—almost anywhere that people are not (at least not in great numbers). Churches used to be tranquil places. Now they are too often frenetic places of busyness—centers of fellowship and enthusiastic entertainment. Sometimes there is stillness in an Adoration Chapel or in the main body of the Church after all the worshippers have gone. 

Stillness can sometimes be found in the quiet of a room with all electronic devices turned off and with no interruptions permitted. Such moments are rare, but possible if we seek them out, cultivate them and cherish them. 

Attentiveness is the clue to stillness before God. 

Please, Lord, help me be quiet, tranquil and at peace—at least sometimes.