Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, December 15, 2017

God continues to bless us (even in tough times) with love and mercy beyond our comprehension!

Christmas Memories from 1978, Naples, Florida.  Standing in back from left to right: Patrick, Helen (with Calloway), Jack, Anne and Mary. Front row from left to right: Jay, Dan, Joan and Michael. 

It was the Christmas just before my wedding in Cleveland, December 29, 1978. I remember it as an especially joyful time but, of course, there was a lot of stress too. The holidays are like that for families—joyful, stressful times. 

But I was deeply in love with Sharon, my beautiful bride-to-be, and all was right with the world  that Christmas. 

Many Christmases have passed with much joy and a fair amount of stress passing with them. Gratitude is the best way to look backward. Our family was blessed (even in tough times) by an enduring faith and love. Gratitude is also the best way to look ahead. God continues to bless us  (even in tough times) with love and mercy beyond our comprehension!

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