Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, February 5, 2018

I’ve been eating at a small ristorante pizzeria near the Vatican, Il Postiglione Roma, for nearly 20 years. The woman who waits on me always recognizes me with a heartfelt smile and the warmest of welcomes. Why would I go anywhere else? The food is good. The prices are reasonable. It’s in a great location. But it’s the hospitality that keeps me coming back! Viva il Postiglione Roma!

Isola Tiberina

Today I plan to visit the Basilica of St. Bartholomew which is located on an island in the Tiber River. This was Cardinal Francis George’s titular church. (Every cardinal has to have a relationship with a parish in the Diocese of Rome.) I try to visit whenever I’m in Rome to say a special prayer for Cardinal George who was a friend, mentor and spiritual father. 

From Wikipedia:

The Tiber Island (Italian: Isola Tiberina, Latin: Insula Tiberina) is the only island in the part of the Tiber river which runs through Rome. Tiber Island is located in the southern bend of the Tiber.

The island is boat-shaped, approximately 270 metres (890 feet) long and 67 metres (220 feet) wide, and has been connected with bridges to both sides of the river since antiquity. Being a seat of the ancient temple of Asclepius and later a hospital, the island is associated with medicine and healing. 

The Fatebenefratelli Hospital founded in the 16th century, and the Basilica of St. Bartholomew on the Island dating from the 10th century are located on the island.

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