Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Holy Week tells the tragic story of humanity’s blindness to the wondrous love of God. 

O sacred Head, surrounded
By crown of piercing thorn;
O bleeding Head, so wounded,
Reviled and put to scorn:
The veil of death falls o’er you,
The light withdraws its rays,
Yet angel hosts adore you,
And tremble as they gaze.
In darkness, we betrayed you,
In mortal fear denied;
In cowardice we judged you,
In sin, we crucified:
Yet you look down in mercy
From on your cross above,
And you forgive our blindness
In your redeeming love.

We betray Him in darkness. We deny Him because we are afraid to open our hearts and trust in His goodness and mercy. We judge Him because He is different. We crucify Him because we are sinners. 

God of love and compassion, forgive us all our trespasses (large and small) as we must forgive others.   Inspire us during this Holy Week to cast off darkness, selfishness and fear. 


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