Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, March 23, 2018

The US Congress is hopelessly dysfunctional.

For decades now, no matter which political party is “in control,” Congress has been unable or unwilling to do anything for the children of immigrants (dreamers). Comprehensive immigration reform is an election issue that is totally ignored once the election is over. 

A plague on both houses of Congress! Shame on you senators and representatives in congress.

In addition to Congress’s chronic failure to deal with immigration in ways that protect citizens and ensure the dignity and basic human rights of families seeking a better life, Congress has failed to safeguard the consciences of health care workers who refuse to take part in medical procedures that violate their beliefs. 

A plague on both houses of Congress! Shame on you senators and representatives in congress.

Finally, Congress has once again failed to reign-in irresponsible spending so that the national debt continues to accumulate faster than anyone can count. We are bankrupting our nation and mortgaging our children and grandchildren’s future because of our addictive behavior.  

A plague on both houses of Congress! Shame on you senators and representatives in congress.

When will the dysfunction end? When we stop electing demagogues who tell us what we want to hear and then act as they see fit—feathering their own nests at our nation’s expense. 

A plague on both houses of Congress! Shame on you senators and representatives in congress.

Let’s get rid of the bums and elect women and men of integrity. Let’s limit their terms and insist that they pledge their allegiance to the interests of their constituents not to the lobbyists and special interest groups. Let’s demand they serve our interests and not their own. 

 A plague on both houses of Congress! Shame on you senators and representatives in congress.

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