Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, April 2, 2018

Thirteen years ago, I attended the funeral of Pope John Paul II along with millions of others from all over the world. What a great privilege! What an experience! I will never forget the shouts and signs demanding (respectfully) Santo subito! Sainthood now! 

The Church recognizes the sanctity of this great man and includes him among those whose holiness has become a model for us all. St. John Paul, pray for us! Inspire us with your fidelity to God’s will and to the teachings of God’s Church. May Santo subito! always be our motto. May we learn holiness through prayer and action, following your example, as we seek the Lord Jesus every moment of our lives. 

“It was 13years ago today when Pope John Paul II passed from this life into his eternal glory. We thank God for his extraordinary life of holiness and the huge impact he has had on the faith of generations of people. We pray for his intercession. St. Pope John Paul II, pray for us!” (Bishop Paul J. Bradley)

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