Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I first came to know God, and to believe in his love for me, through the faith of my parents. They were devout Catholics who suffered many troubles but who never let go of their faith. 

As an adult, I had to take the precious gift of my parents’ faith and make it my own. It wasn’t easy. Doubts and the cynicism of our age crept in and tried to minimize (or dismiss completely) the belief I grew up with. 

By the grace of God, I was surrounded by men and women—including my wife, Sharon—who took their faith seriously. I wanted what they had: the serenity, courage and wisdom to face the storms of life with an unshakable inmost calm. I assume they all had doubts at one time or another, but their faith prevailed. It assured them that they were loved and respected by a generous and merciful God, that good always overcomes evil in the end, and that our lives have meaning. 

How could I remain stuck in my unbelief when so many people I love and cherish are witnesses to the power of faith? How could I deny the miracles happening all around me? How could I maintain doubts that are so clearly without substance?

God touched me through the many men and women who have inspired me through their profound faith. Yes, I still have moments of doubt, but they quickly pass away if I can maintain a sharp focus on the everyday saints who surround me and share with me their experience, strength and hope. 

God’s speaking to us reaches us through men and women who have listened to God and come into contact with God; through men and women for whom God has become an actual experience and who, as it were, know him at first hand…. (Pope Benedict XVI)

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