Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Thursday, August 16, 2018

1A scandal is an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

We’ve had lots of scandals lately and, unfortunately, the sheer number seems to lessen their impact. “General public outrage” is a relative term too often colored by hyper intensive media coverage that dulls the impact and confuses people’s sense of what really happened and what it all means. 

Pope Francis has warned about the negative effects of media-fueled outrage. The problem he and other Church and civil leaders have is that any attempt to achieve balanced, calm coverage of scandalous events can easily appear to be downplaying or even covering up the seriousness of an issue. 

Coverage of the clergy sex abuse scandals is an important case in point. Prior to the 2002 explosion of information regarding abusive priests and their mishandling by bishops, it was assumed to be a good thing that such cases were kept quiet—for the good of victims and their families and, yes, to avoid scandal. In retrospect, this assumption led to even greater harm to all concerned, but at the time most bishops and other Church leaders thought they were doing the right thing. 

Today, all past situations and decisions are judged in light of today’s standards. It doesn’t matter how well-intentioned a bishop was—or how closely he followed the advice of psychiatrists or attorneys, if he did observe a policy of zero tolerance or immediately defrock a credibly accused cleric, he is seen to have been complicit in the crimes committed by offenders within his pastoral care. 

To be clear, I too am outraged by all these immoral, illegal and scandalous activities committed by those entrusted with the care of our children and young adults. And it’s clear that this whole situation has been badly mismanaged by those responsible. 

But I am also outraged (deeply saddened) by the way these scandals continue to be portrayed in the media. Much more heat than light is generated by media hyperbole. We need clear thinking and careful deliberation if we’re going to address this awful situation in ways that ensure that the offenders are brought to justice and these crimes are never permitted to happen again. 

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