Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hearing is something we take for granted, especially when we’re young. 

Clearly, the most powerful form of communication is the human voice. Listening to another person—really listening and understanding—requires more than hearing alone. The words being spoken are reinforced by gestures, body language, what the speaker’s eyes and face convey. But communication that does not include an auditory dimension—hearing what someone else is saying—is one dimensional. It does not convey the full sense of the speaker’s intended communication. 

Think of email. It’s quick and easily accessible, but it cannot communicate fully. All forms of social media—including this blog—suffer from this lack of depth or richness. If you and I were talking, or if I were teaching a class, my words on this subject would have much greater impact and resonance. Certainly when you read these words you get my meaning. But you can’t possibly hear me or understand me quite as completely as you would if we were engaged in a conversation. 

Let’s not lose the gift of personal communication as we play with all the gadgets of our technological age. Let’s not give up the kind of face-to-face dialogue that is so important and enriching. Let’s listen and talk to one another as often and as attentively as we can. 

As Scripture says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mt 11:15).

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