Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, September 7, 2018

God encounters us in a human way. To be truly human is to embrace the transformation of what is merely biological into something that is also deeply spiritual. 
The sacrament in its universal form in the history of religion is therefore at first simply the expression of the experience that God encounters man in a human way: in the signs of common humanity and in the change of the merely biological into the human, which when accomplished in the context of religion undergoes a transformation into a third dimension—the authentication of the divine in the human.(from "Joseph Ratzinger Collected Works: Theology of the Liturgy" by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)

Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) is a masterful teacher. He takes the most profound concepts of philosophy and theology and makes them understandable. He doesn’t “water things down.” He clarifies and simplifies by emphasizing basic truths and by illustrating them in simple language. 

God reaches out to us, speaking our language, touching our minds and hearts with divine truths that show us who we are as children of God, Brothers and sisters to each other. 

As the psalmist prays, “If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.” Listen to the voice of the Lord and learn who you are and what it means to be fully human. 

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