Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, November 5, 2018

An open letter to the American Bishops:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. (Phil 4:4)

As you prepare for your annual meeting in Baltimore next week, please don’t forget the joy of the Gospel. It’s true that you have serious matters to discuss—including your own failures to protect children and steward responsibly the local Churches entrusted to your care. But as Pope Francis has forcefully reminded us, your primary responsibility as bishops is to proclaim the Gospel, the good news that brings us joy, not to scold people (including yourselves) for their sins and human weaknesses.

What the world needs now is authentic joy. We need to smile, to wonder at God’s creation, to laugh at ourselves, and to know that we are loved and appreciated and valued. You are called to give witness to this Gospel joy, not to wallow in sadness or self-doubt.

Rejoice in the Lord always, St. Paul tells. The Lord is near.

We have seen enough gloom and doom. We have cried too many bitter tears. We have lost hope too often. Show us the way to rejoicing—not in any superficial sense, but in truth and love. Show us how to encounter joy in the person of Jesus Christ.

Yes, with the help of God’s grace, you must address the current crisis caused by your weakness and sin as leaders and teachers and pastors. Yes, you must be held accountable. Yes, you must transform the customs and structures that have too often allowed clericalism and cronyism to be the modus operandi of Church governance. But please don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you can “fix” the Church’s problems by new laws (policies, charters or programs). Healing is needed—and so is hope—but these can only come with a renewed sense of gratitude and a profound experience of Gospel joy.

During the coming weeks, especially, you will be in my prayers and those of all faithful Catholics. We wish you Godspeed. We hope you can find in your ministries the peace of Christ and the joy of the Gospel. You need both to serve God’s people faithfully.

With sincere gratitude,

Daniel Conway

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