Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, October 13, 2017

"Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste...Whoever is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather, scatters" (Lk 11).

Prior to the 2016 election, I would have acknowledged that there are deep divisions among Americans.  "Liberal" and "conservative" are unhelpful labels for many reasons, but as generalizations go, they illustrate very different ways of seeing the same reality. Before and throughout the 2016 election season, reasonable people saw things differently, but there was at least a semblance of civility--an agreement to disagree. Or so I thought.

The Trump candidacy drove people (Republicans, Democrats and Independents) into the farthest  corners of the political ring. Donald Trump's victory froze everyone in place making unity extremely difficult if not impossible. I don't blame President Trump for this--although he certainly bears his share of  responsibility for it. He united (and expanded) his base by demonizing his opponent who was no great unifier herself (calling Trump supporters "deplorables"). But since the election it's become painfully clear that everyone is still clinging to their respective far corners--unwilling to dialog or compromise on anything.

Our present state of disunity is aided and abetted by the news and entertainment media who have cast off any pretense of "objectivity" or "neutrality" becoming mouthpieces for either the political left or right. It's a sad state of affairs, and it's hard to imagine a way out of this ideological morass.

Still, as my friend DBH reminds me, the glass is always half full. There is much to be grateful for as Americans, and hope remains a vibrant part of our national identity and spirit.

God bless America. And God help us during these terribly troubled times!

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