Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, November 24, 2017

Gratitude is contagious. Spread it freely!

At the very top of my “gratitude list” is my wife of almost 39 years, Sharon Ann (Hudec) Conway.

I could write a book (and maybe I will some day) about my love and appreciation for my beautiful, intelligent, talented and loving wife, Sharon, but for now here’s just one excerpt from this “gratitude story.”

Many years ago, when our children were little, I was given the task of getting the kids ready and the car packed for our annual Christmas trip to Cleveland while Sharon, a nurse, worked a half-day. Once Mom was home, we all jumped in the minivan and headed north. About half way there (definitely past the point of no return), Sharon asked me if I’d remembered to pack the Christmas presents that she and the kids planned to give Grandma and their aunts, uncles and cousins.

“What presents?” I said, knowing instantly that I had screwed-up big time.

Sharon and the kids were devastated. All their carefully wrapped presents were still at home where I left them. And there was no turning back.

After a few minutes of very uncharacteristic silence in the car, Sharon called her mother to say that we were well on our way and would arrive soon. “Unfortunately, we have a problem,” she said. We left all the Christmas presents at home, so we won’t be able to participate in the gift exchange. We’ll have to mail everyone’s presents when we get back.”

I was horrified, embarrassed and feeling more than a little foolish. But Sharon’s words to her mother struck me. She said, “We left the Christmas presents at home.” Not “Dan left the Christmas presents at home.”

It hit me then as never before. She believes that we are “one flesh” for better or worse, in good times and in careless, insensitive times like this.

Thank you, Sharon, for all the love and support you give me—and for putting up with me for nearly four decades. I love you.

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