Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wisdom from Nashville Bishop-Elect J. Mark Spalding. From a homily November 12, 2017 (the day before he learned that Pope Francis had called him to be Bishop of Nashville):

1. Take death seriously.

2. Choose your friends carefully.

3. Know that “no” is often the most loving thing you can say.

Bishop-Elect Spalding (right) with his good friend Archbishop Chuck Thompson of Indianapolis. Both are Kentucky natives formed in the American Holy Land and blessed with pastoral gifts that inspire others to cast off the sin of indifference and be passionate missionary disciples.

“The wonderful parishioners whom I have served know of my constant reminder to them and to myself: ‘To whom much is given, much will be required,’ ” Bishop-elect Spalding said during the press conference. “I pledge to demand much from myself as I work with the priests, deacons, consecrated religious, seminarians, and lay faithful of the Diocese of Nashville to inspire a zeal for the Gospel, serve those in need, promote vocations, provide lifelong formation through strong Catholic schools and parish formation programs, call forth the gifts of our youth and young adults, provide a place of welcome for persons of every race, culture and language, and support families in their vocation as schools of love.”
Bishop-elect Spalding told the crowd at the press conference, “I’m a passionate preacher. I love preaching. You speak the word in a way that is reverent but also in a way that inspires others,” he said.
Bishop-elect Spalding said he will take his episcopal motto from Mary’s hymn of praise, the Magnificat. God has lifted up the lowly.
“With God’s grace and Mary’s yes as my guide, I will seek always to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd.”

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