Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, October 20, 2017

Do you have a gratitude list? It should be updated daily to remind us that no matter what our problems are we have much to be thankful for.

When I was 18, I decided that I had had enough of our family's problems, and I announced to my parents that I was leaving and not coming back. My mother's response was: "Be sure to say thank you as you walk out the door."

My mother, Helen C. Conway, taught me to say thank you and to appreciate all God's gifts--in good times and bad.

Gratitude is a mysterious thing. You can't fake it. Either you're grateful or you’re not. Sometimes it's a struggle to get there. Anger, loneliness, fear and other emotions get in the way. But if I can say "thank you" (and mean it) before I walk out the door, my perspective changes. I can see things differently. I can recognize that the glass is half full, that I have been blessed far beyond my difficulties. I can be free of worries, guilt, imperfections--even the evil influences in my life. If I can say "thank you" (and mean it), I can be free.

What are the top 10 things on my gratitude list?

  1. A loving God who treats me much better than I deserve
  2. The gift of Life
  3. My wife, Sharon
  4. My five children, Suzanne, Catherine, Margaret, Mary and Dan
  5. My granddaughter, Jocelyn
  6. Great family members and friends located all over the country (and in Europe)
  7. Good work for the Church with colleagues I admire
  8. The ability to write
  9. Books, music and the arts
  10. Relatively good health

With all these gifts--and many more--why should I worry? The Lord is my shepherd. Nothing shall I want. In good times and bad, he watches over me. He is true to his promises. All I need to do is remember to say "thank you" as I walk out the door.

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