Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, October 16, 2017

Love transcends justice. Grace surpasses every law. The result is not a negation but a deepening or fulfillment of both justice and law.

How do you know when someone loves you? When they treat you better than you deserve; when they go out of their way to help you, care for you, or be with you. Love transcends justice. That means that it always “goes the extra mile.” Instead of treating you justly and fairly, someone who loves you exceeds all expectations. He gives generously (not equitably). She goes far beyond the ordinary limits of what is right in order to share with you everything she has.

Grace is God’s love which is freely given and which flows unceasingly from the sacred heart of Jesus. Law proscribes. It sets limits, establishing boundaries. Grace is limitless—love without borders. It does not set aside the law, but it does surpass it. As Jesus said, the law forbids all forms of violence, but grace goes much further. It allows us to forgive our enemies and to pray for our persecutors.

When we open our hardened hearts and allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by God’s amazing grace, we become true lovers. Yes, we observe the precepts of justice and treat everyone fairly. Yes, we follow the law and we’re faithful to the the dictates of conscience (inscribed on our hearts). But with the help of God’s grace, we can do so much more. We can love. We can be grace-filled. We can break through every boundary and exceed all expectations!

For a powerful example of love exceeding all expectations, re-read the parable of The Good Samaritan (Luke 25-37). Or any of the passion narratives in the four Gospels. Here is love without limits inviting us to be transformed by grace so that we, too, can surpass what is expected and do so much more.

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