Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, November 13, 2017

Archbishop Charles C Thompson of Indianapolis is attending the annual meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. 

As we celebrate the centennial of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I take this moment to express my deepest admiration for so many wonderful brothers in Apostolic service to the Church. Please pray for your bishop and our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

From the pope’s representative to the United States:

On the opening day of the US bishops' plenary assembly, Archbishop Christophe Pierre addressed the gathering, encouraging them to prioritize youth, the mission of evangelization, and Christ himself.

 “I offer you the example of the patroness of your country, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as someone who went forth with a sense of urgency” to share the joy of Christ with her cousin, Elizabeth, the apostolic nuncio to the US said Nov. 13 in Baltimore, Md.

 The archbishop noted that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and urged that in addition to remembering the past, they must look to the forward, avoiding “small-mindedness” and recommending three things about which to be passionate: the youth, the mission of evangelization, and the Lord himself.

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