Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Benedictine Way—my new bookComing soon. In it, I offer personal reflections on the way of life taught by St. Benedict and lived by Benedictine men and women for 1500+ years.

Here is an excerpt:
My  first encounter with the Benedictine way of life happened nearly 50 years ago in August of 1967. I arrived sight unseen at Saint Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana as a college freshman totally unprepared for what I was about to experience. My time at Saint Meinrad as a student (1967-71), a novice and monk in temporary vows (1971-75), and a development staff member (1979-88) changed my life, slowly but surely teaching me how to live a reasonably happy and productive life the Benedictine way.
Now, five decades later, I can see more clearly how I was formed intellectually, emotionally and spiritually by Benedictines.  They helped me deal with, but not totally eliminate, the chaos inside me and all around me.  They  taught me how to live in a loving, unselfish way as a disciple of Jesus Christ. And they helped me accept myself as a sinful man who had been forgiven and redeemed by a merciful, all-loving God.
Like  all my books, The Benedictine Way was a labor of love. It was also a way of expressing my deep gratitude and appreciation for all the gifts I have received from men and women living the  Benedictine way.

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