Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

“Being close” (accompaniment) is a consistent theme of Pope Francis. God comes close to us at Christmas and stays close no matter how far away we wander. Being and staying close to others is what missionary disciples are called to do.

I think of St. Joseph at this time of year. He is silent (as always) but he is always close by. As the sacred drama unfolds: the trip to Bethlehem with the couple’s unwelcome reception, Jesus’ birth in a stable surrounded by domestic animals and unwashed shepherds, the bizarre visit of the magi, strangers from foreign lands, and the flight from Herod into Egypt, Joseph remains steadfast. He stewards his young wife and her holy child. He guards them, provides for them and calms their fears. 

Joseph is close to us, too, and if we let him he will steady us in moments of doubt and fear. His virtues—patience, courage and fidelity to his promise—can guide us on our journeys and lift us up when we stumble and fall. 

Good St. Joseph, pray for us. Help us to be faithful to our calling as missionary disciples. Help us stay close to Jesus, and all our sisters and brothers, as you were at that first Christmas. 

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