Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, December 25, 2017

Today the Church in Louisville will formally say farewell to Bishop-Elect J. Mark Spalding who will be ordained a bishop in the Diocese of Nashville on Friday, February 2. The Archdiocese of Louisville and Holy Trinity and Holy Name parishes, will miss “Father Mark” intensely, and this evening’s Mass and reception at the Cathedral of the Assumption will definitely be a moment of joy mixed with equal parts of gratitude and grief. 

Bishop Mark has truly been a gift to our parishes. His pastoral zeal combined with his humor, his great preaching and his love of God’s holy Word have made him a treasure we parishioners cherish with much gratitude. 

With reluctance, but also with great joy, we now hand-over this great blessing of Bishop Mark’s pastoral care to the Church in Middle Tennessee. May the Christ child, and his Blessed Mother, travel with him to Nashville next month and watch over him as he begins his new ministry. 

That in all things God may be glorified!

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