Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Today we pray for all the children who are not allowed to be born, who cry with hunger, who hold weapons in their hands instead of toys. (Pope Francis)

The miracle of Christmas is that the almighty God comes to us as a child. He tells us that we must become child-like if we want to follow him. What’s more, he curses those who harm little children with their scandalous, abusive behavior and with their hypocrisy.

Do we get the message? God values innocence, honestly and vulnerability. He does not respect  arrogance or worldy wisdom. If we want to be spiritually alive, we must die to self. If we want to receive God’s love and goodness, we must give generously of our time, talent and treasure—especially to those who are most in need of our help.

The world shows itself to be most evil and corrupt when it slaughters the innocent among us. We show ourselves to be sinfully indifferent and uncaring when we tolerate the horrors inflicted on the most vulnerable—adults, youth, children and infants (born and unborn).

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