Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Thursday, January 25, 2018

My friend and mentor Archbishop Daniel Buechlein, OSB, passed away last night. I was privileged to know him for more than 50 years, and I will miss him very much. Thanks be to God, Archbishop Daniel is now at peace. 

Here is a quote from the preface to Archbishop Daniel’s 2013 memoir Surprised by Grace: Memories and Reflections on Twenty-Five Years of Episcopal Ministry:

During his 85th birthday homily, Pope Benedict XVI, one of my heroes, said, “I am in the final stage of my life journey and I do not know what awaits me. However, I do know that the light of God exists, that He rose again, that His light is stronger than all darkness, that the goodness of God is stronger than all the evil in this world. This helps me to continue with confidence. This helps us to continue, and I would like to thank everyone who, through their faith, continually makes me aware of God’s yes.”
I couldn’t say it any better. I don’t know what awaits me, but I believe with all my heart and mind and strength, that I am in God’s hands. This helps me to continue with confidence, with gratitude and, yes, with joy.
+Daniel Mark Buechlein, O.S.B.

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