Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Sunday, January 21, 2018

What do I Own and What Owns Me? It’s a question worth asking. Am I obsessed with stuff? Do material things rule my life? What does my spending/buying say about me? What about my desire for success? For the approval of others? For comfort and control?

The spirituality of stewardship speaks directly to this age-old problem. It shows us how to let go of dependence on worldly things and values so that we can truly be free.

The basic insight of stewardship is that God is the owner (creator & sustainer) of all things—visible and invisible. God alone can claim absolute dominion over the material and spiritual world. We have been gifted with all that we have and all that we are. And we have been invited to serve as stewards (managers, caretakers) of all God’s gifts.

Our stewardship of all God’s gifts expresses itself in four predominant values: Gratitude, Accountability, Generosity and the Willingness to Give Back with Increase.

Gratitude acknowledges that we have received abundant blessings from a good and gracious God.

Accountability affirms that we are responsible for ourselves, for our sisters and brothers, and for all of creation.  We will be asked to render an account of our stewardship of this great responsibility according to the words of Jesus: Whatver you did (or failed to do) to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did (or failed to do) to me.

Generosity imitates the creative work of God whose abundant sharing of life and all the good things of creation is boundless. God is Love and at every turn God’s Love is given unconditionally to us regardless of who we are, what we own or what we have accomplished with the gifts God has given us.

Willingness to give back with increase demonstrates our desire to take the material and spiritual gifts that God has given us and use them to help build a better world.

Stewardship is a form of spirituality, a way of living the Gospel in a me-centered, materialistic culture. What do I Own and What Owns Me? It’s a question worth asking.


What Do I Own and What Owns Me: A Spirituality of Stewardship by Daniel Conway is available at www.danielconwayauthor.com for $12.95.

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