Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

It seems that reports of Pope Benedict’s failing health have been exaggerated. I pray for him daily and wish him continued good health!

From the dedication to my new book, The Benedictine Way:

I first read Joseph Ratzinger’s Introduction to Christianity when I was studying theology at Saint Meinrad in the 1970s, and it literally changed my life. As a result, I have been reading Joseph Ratzinger eagerly and with profound appreciation ever since. Although not a monk, this brilliant, humble man who now calls himself “Father Benedict” is truly a Benedictine, a man who seeks God in and through the community that is the Church. Ad multos annos! 

 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI congratulates Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin on his elevation to the College of Cardinals November 2016

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