Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, October 23, 2017

We are slaves to whatever material, emotional or spiritual “things” possess us and do not let us be free. Lord, free me from all my chains!

I’m intrigued by the Tiny House Movement. It’s amazing to watch people design living spaces that are so compact and clutter free. That’s not what I’m used to. After nearly 50 years of adult living, I have way too much stuff. Even after several attempts at “downsizing,” I still have a ton of stuff I don’t really need. 

I recently opened up a large bin of CDs saying to myself that I would sort through them and pick out those few that I really wanted to keep. After just a few minutes, I closed the lid. I can’t do this, I said. I want to keep them all!

Do you remember the old campfire song, “O you can’t get to heaven”? Here are some of the lyrics. (The entire song goes on forever, of course. It’s a campfire song!)

Oh, you can’t get to Heaven on roller skates
‘Cause you’d roll right past those pearly gates 

Oh, you can’t get to Heaven in an old Ford car
‘Cause an old Ford car won’t go that far

Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a ping pong ball
'Cause a ping pong ball is much too small

Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a limousine
'Cause the Lord ain't got no gasoline

Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a Sabre Jet
'Cause the Lord ain't got no runways yet

Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a rocking chair
'Cause the Lord don't want no lazybones there

If you get there before I do
Just dig a hole and pull me through.

I ain't gonna grieve my Lord no more.
I ain't gonna grieve my Lord no more.
I ain't gonna grieve my Lord no more.

The point is “you can’t take it with you.” Sooner or later, everything has to go. 

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