Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Monday, December 18, 2017

Joy to the World. Jingle Bells. Silent Night. And more. The annual Conway Christmas Party happened yesterday afternoon. Four generations of Conways gathered to reconnect, reminisce and enjoy. Lots of good food. Lots of stories about Conway adventures: past, present and yet to come.

Singing Christmas carols confirmed beyond all doubt that my voice is shot. Fortunately my cousins (and my 93 year-old Uncle Bud) shown here, and off-camera too, carried the tunes. That’s what family does. It fills in our gaps and helps carry our burdens.

We Conways are survivors. We’ve seen it all, lived through it all, suffered it all and, yet, rejoiced. We freely admit we are blessed—even as we confront all the challenges of family life today.

Joy to the world!

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