Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Friday, December 22, 2017

Let us free Christmas from the worldliness that has taken it hostage! The true spirit of Christmas is the beauty of being loved by God. (Pope Francis)

Nice words, but what does it mean to say that “the true spirit of Christmas is the beauty of being loved by God”?

Being loved by God is a beautiful thing—especially when we think what an incredible thing that is. The God who made the universe (all things visible and invisible) in all its infinite vastness and complexity knows me by name and loves me in spite of all my selfishness and sin. What a Christmas gift! What a wondrous thing to contemplate and accept in all humility!

The Christmas miracle is that the little child lying in a manger loves me, forgives me and makes me whole by the power of his grace.

No amount of worldliness can nullify this extraordinary gift from God to each of us, his children.

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