Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Thursday, December 21, 2017

This is Dill Harris, my daughter Suzanne’s 8 year-old pug. Today, Dill had cataracts removed from both of his eyes. Because of the miracle of modern veterinary medicine, Dill will not be completely blind. Instead, he will continue to be a faithful companion for Suzanne and for her family and friends for the rest of his natural life. 

A lot of nonsense is said and done these days regarding pet animals. They are pampered and indulged beyond belief. But we should never underestimate the role animals (both domestic and wild) play in God’s creation. Animals are witnesses to the mystery and beauty of life. They remind us that we humans are not “masters of the universe” but stewards and companions of all God’s creatures. 

When the vet’s office called to tell Suzanne that Dill was out of surgery and doing well, our 5 year-old granddaughter, Jocelyn, lit up like a Christmas tree. She was so pleased to learn that Dill is really OK. Her innocent smile said it all. 

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