Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What does a great pastor look like? How can you recognize a good shepherd (pastor bonus) from one who’s only going through the motions? His smile is your first clue. There are plenty of grumpy priests, but the happy ones make the best pastors. Their joy is contagious. A calm demeanor is also a sign. Good pastors have faith in God’s providence.  They’ve seen and heard everything. They know that anxious cares and excessive worry never solved anything. A quiet presence is often the best response to the chaos of daily living. Good pastors come in all shapes and sizes. They’re old and young, active and contemplative, patient and impatient, but they are always prayerful and loving in their “care of souls.” During the past 40 years, I have been privileged to work with, and become close friends with, many outstanding pastors. All deserve enormous gratitude and respect especially during this holy season of the year!

A great pastor and a good friend: Monsignor Salvatore  E. Polizzi, Pastor of St. Roch Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri. 

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