Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

 My favorite aunt, my mother’s sister, Joan, passed away many years ago, but my memories of her are vivid.

In my book A Communion of Saints:Dreams of Happiness on the Road to Life I write:

Aunt Joan had a hard life with lots of emotional and financial problems. Even as a child I knew that her kindness to me was above and beyond the call of duty. She had plenty of other things to worry about—including her own needs and those of her children. 

And yet, Aunt Joan was always there for me. She made me feel special. She welcomed me into her home during times when I really felt the need for a safe haven. I will never forget her love, and  her laughter, especially when I needed both desperately. She showed me—in her own unique way—that our sorrows don’t have to define us. We’re meant for joy both in this life and in the next!

Aunt Joan’s birthday is January 2 which allows me to begin each new year remembering her. I can’t think of a better way to begin again.

Happy Birthday, Aunt Joan. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about my mom today and how incredibly blessed I am to have had her as my mother. Thanks for sharing, Dan!
    Happy New Year to you and Happy Birthday to Mom!
