Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My daughter Mary is a cancer survivor. By the grace of God, and supported by the love and prayers of family, friends and strangers both near and far, Mary “beat” breast cancer two years ago.

Today is Mary’s 33rd Birthday. Her daughter, Jocelyn, is five and a half. Our family celebrated Mary’s birthday last night at a Japanese steakhouse here in Louisville. What fun! What a joy to celebrate life with healthy, happy children!

Today I thank God for the precious gift he gave us 33 years ago—a gift that was renewed two years ago following Mary’s successful cancer treatments and surgeries.

We all learned then that life should never be taken for granted. It is too fragile, not something we can cling to or control by our own efforts. Always a gift. Always “on loan” rather than “owned” or “possessed.” Always to be cherished and gratefully shared.

Thanks be to God for Mary and for all my children. They are precious gifts. May I never take them for granted.

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