Dan Conway’s The Good Steward

Dan Conway’s The Good Steward
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Saturday, January 6, 2018

What have we chosen to follow in our lives? Some stars may be bright, but they do not point the way. So it is with success, money, career, honors and pleasures when these become our life. (Pope Francis)

What stars have I chosen to follow in my life? An honest assessment would show that they haven’t always been the brightest. I guess that’s why I’m still searching, still seeking the way to happiness and peace. 

I know that heaven is my ultimate goal. Why do I take so many side roads, paths that lead me down dead-end roads? Is it because I’m looking for a short cut (an easier, softer way)? If the road that leads to life is plainly marked (and I believe it is), why do I have so much trouble keeping on it?

I continue to think that My Way is the best way when clearly it is not. I refuse to follow directions and insist that I know where I’m going even when the evidence clearly shows that I am lost. 

Thank God for the heavenly stars that allows me to return to the right path no matter how far I’ve gone astray.

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